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Year 7 take part in a 'Memorhyme' Creative Literacy Project

On 26th February and 5th March, selected Year 7s took part in a Memorhyme creative literacy project organised by Birmingham City University and Memorhyme CEO Alan ('Kurly') McGeachie. 

Mrs Cardwell and Mrs Greaves, our Pupil Premium mentors, were so inspired, that they penned a poem about the event:


A group of Year 7 students enjoyed a visit,

Kurly from Memorhyme showed words have no limit,

Things started off easy but soon became tricky,

Finding words full of meaning but keeping it witty,

Those who were brave managed to put on a performance,

Standing up tall, speaking with passion and importance,

ALL of the students did themselves proud,

Whether they kept their words quiet or shouted them loud.