Ski-Trip – Les Deux Alpes
Last week saw 38 students in Year 10 and Year 11 and 5 members of staff jet off to Les Deux Alpes for a lovely ski trip during February half term. The very early morning start meant students had to be back at school and waiting for the arrival of the coach before 1am on Saturday morning. All students were eager and ready to go and were superb on the journey to and through Manchester airport and during the delay at Lyon airport. Through windy roads we made our way to the resort. A discussion as to whether a bird was a chicken, ostrich, turkey or peacock was the sign we were nearly in resort which was a blessing for those students who were struggling with the roads.
Whilst we were there the students enjoyed 7am wake up calls for breakfast and a nice walk in ski boots with their skis to meet their instructors at ski school for 9am. All students displayed exemplary behaviour and engaged well with the skiing during their time with the instructors who were fantastic.
By the end of day 2 all students had been on a chair lift to make their way up the mountain and were skiing tracks either in the middle of the mountain or all the way down. By the end of the week all students were going up the main gondola in the Les Deux Alpes to the top and skiing with ease on a variety of terrain and runs. The staff took the time to ski with the groups and try some things that were new such as Mr Evans skiing off a mountain with a tandem parachute on his back which made the students envious as they all then wanted a turn.
There were a few fabulous falls and lots of stories that came from the mountain which the students had great fun telling the staff along with many pictures (as one group was known by the end of the week for constantly taking pictures while skiing!).
Throughout the week the students enjoyed a range of activities from bingo, laser tag, bowling, a town trail, and a quiz including questions on where Mr Evans does his shopping. Students enjoyed having some free time to wonder round parts of the town in groups of 3 or more.
As we got to the end of the week it was clear that both staff and students alike were becoming tired, which was proven by how hard it seemed to wake up for 5am and be ready for the coach for the return journey. On the way back through Grenoble and Gatwick the students were, as per usual, excellent and were all happy to be on their way back home.
It is fair to say that all staff and students had a fabulous time, and some are already asking for another ski trip to be planned.
Thank you to all the staff who supported this trip and for the ongoing support we receive from parents.