Aldridge School

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Christmas Jumper Day Food Bank

As part of Aldridge School Christmas Jumper Day, we asked Students and Staff to donate an item of food to our food bank, which will help families in need this Christmas time. We want to say a massive thank you for everyone that got involved, we are overwhelmed with the amount of donations.

If you have a child at Aldridge School, and upon reading this, you feel that you and your family would welcome this support to help you over the festive period please email with the following information:

  • Parental Name
  • Childs Name
  • Childs Form Group

Collection, by an adult, will take place Wednesday 20th December between 2:15pm-3:00pm from the Sixth Form reception. Confirmation of your allocation and your collection number will be sent via email on Monday 18th December.

Any food not distributed over will be donated to our local charity ‘The Thomas Project’, in Aldridge.

“It was great to witness the collective effort of the entire school in supporting our local food bank for the Christmas season. The active support of my peers in Sixth Form, who personally went around each form collecting everyone’s generous donations (including me) added an extra touch of admiration. It was a sense of fulfilment seeing such a united and compassionate act. It was truly remarkable and I’m sure everyone else can say that too” – Desharna, Year 12.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed.